TEDxUHasselt Pitch Night

At TEDxUHasselt we strongly follow the ‘Ideas Worth Spreading’ ideology of TED. We believe that the most powerful ideas come from everyday people, like all of you TEDxUHasselt followers.

Therefore, we organise a pitch night on which everyone can come and convince us that he or she has an idea worth being shared at TEDxUHasselt. Young or old, student or retired, local or regional, if you have an extraordinary idea, we want to know about it and we might invite you to give a talk at our next big event.

The pitch evening will be held on the 24th of February. For more practical information about what we expect from you as a ‘pitcher’ please look at the event page. Of course, people who don’t have an idea to spread but love hearing about other ideas can also mark February the 24th in their calendars.