TEDxUHasseltSalons May and June 2014

During the next few weeks, you will be busy with the upcoming exams. Luckily, TEDxUHasselt gives you the opportunity to relax during lunch!

We will do this by organizing two TEDxUHasselt Salons, where you can watch inspiring TED-videos while eating lunch. The events will both take place at the Wintertuin at Campus Diepenbeek.

TEDxUHasselt Salon -- Think global, connect local

(27 May, from 12 to 13 pm @ Room J30 Campus Diepenbeek)
This Salon will be linked with the Dies Natalis Symposium [Dutch] that will take place on the same day. We kindly ask you to confirm your attendance by filling in the following form:


TEDxUHasselt Salon -- Innovation & information

(5 June, from 12 to 13 pm @ Room J30 Campus Diepenbeek)
We kindly ask you to confirm your attendance by filling in the following form: