TEDxUHasselt introduces 360° live stream

TEDxUHasselt unveiled a technical first for TEDx events yesterday on the Tech45 podcast. For the first time ever, people will be able to watch a livestream of a TEDx event in 360 degrees, comparable to a Quicktime VR image but with live video!

This technology will be offered to us by the EDM research centre of Hasselt University. Prof Bekaert, the man behind this project will also be giving a very short talk about the camera and technology used. If you want a preview of 360 degrees video, head over to his website www.360video.org.

Click here to watch a sample video, captured at the “Dwars door Vlaanderen” cycling competition.

Though the 360 stream is quite a nice feature for those not being able to attend, there’s nothing like being there in real life. So if you haven’t registered yet, make sure you do so at our tickets page.