It’s been a hard days night

This week has been one of hard work for the TEDxUHasselt team. With the new academic year approaching fast, the team dedicated its time to prepare as much as possible. Thus in the last week a lot of progress has been made.

Roll-up banners have been designed and printed and are ready to be used as part of the scenery. The team also decided on the rest of the stage scenery and design, this’ll be kept secret ofcourse.

Thanks to Jonathan Scarlino, a student at RITS, the team can now proudly say that all talks will be recorded and posted online after the event. Speaking about video, this week also included a lot of coding to put together a page for the 360° live stream, which will include a Twitter-feed and a schedule widget.

Besides all this digital talk, we might offer something analog too, so stay tuned.

Meanwhile, the number of applications got a big boost this week after students of the university were informed about the event. It’s very motivating for the team, which consists of three students, to see that other students are also exiTED about TEDxUHasselt.