First five talks

It took quite a while, but we have finally been able to release the first five videos of TEDxUHasselt 2012. Check them out!

We’ve also created a photo album with some of the best pictures taken at TEDxUHasselt this year.

Right after TEDxUHasselt 2012, we’ve sent an anonymous survey to the attendees. We were very happy to read all the enthusiastic feedback. One of the attendees puts it as follows:

It was truly one of the most perfectly organised events I ever went to. Everything was great. The talks, the food, the venue, the drinks, the people, all of it. Even the smallest details were done perfectly.

97% of the attendees plans on coming back next year and over 70% feels TEDxUHasselt made an impact on their life. Mission accomplished.

See you in 2013, we have some awesome events planned!